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Many movement classes seem to be spaces where competition and ideas of perfection are the vibe. In this workshop we will challenge these narratives together and focus on creating a space which is safe enough to be with what is present, individually and as a group.  

Wann?Saturday, April 29th 2023 13:30-15:30
Saturday, May 27th 2023 13:30-15:30
Cancelled: Friday, June 9th 2023 16:00-18:00
Wo?April & Mai: OPENYOGA, Kramgasse 68, 3011 Bern
June: Qigong Zentrum Bern, Spitalgasse 40, 3011 Bern
Für Wen?FINTA Personen/
open for female, intersex, non-binary, trans and genderqueer people
Kosten?collection based
MitnehmenAll materials are included, participants simply need to bring comfortable clothing.
Zugänglichkeitmore info soon
AnmeldungParticipants should register in advance. Please email Shenoa at info[ät]shenoatara.com to register. 
LeiterinShenoa, www.shenoatara.com
FINTA steht für Frauen, intergeschlechtliche, nichtbinäre, trans und agender Personen.

Der Workshop

This is an opportunity for you to explore your body and breath without external pressure about what that should look like. Many movement classes seem to be spaces where competition and ideas of perfection are the vibe. In this workshop we will challenge these narratives together and focus on creating a space which is safe enough to be with what is present, individually and as a group. We will explore how we understand trauma and/or stress and how to move through it in the body. Participants do not need to have experienced trauma to attend. We will not be processing individual trauma during this workshop. 

We will use traditional practices from yogic philosophy and other somatic tools designed for nervous system regulation. 

We know that movement can heal. We know that conscious movement done together deepens that potential. These classes weave traditional wisdom, modern neuroscience and a love for community together. You will learn how to identify your boundaries, play with your edge of growth and hopefully locate some safety in your body. During this process, you are recognized as your own best teacher and get to choose how much, how fast or slow and when to stop. 

At the end of the class, there will be an opportunity to connect with other participants.


Participants should register in advance. Please email Shenoa: